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Leigh Primary School


In Year Admissions

If you are looking at school placements for your child and they are not a Reception New Entrant, the process is simple. Please make contact to arrange a tour and meeting with the headteacher/s and we will be happy to show you our school and discuss your child's needs. If you like our provision and feel the environment is just what you are looking for for your child, then please fill in an In Year Admission Form below and submit to the School Office: office@leigh.kent.sch.uk. We look forward to meeting you and your child/ren

Open Days for September 2025 Admission

If you are interested in your child joining Leigh Primary School in September 2025 then we have two dates set for parents and carers to view the school. Please can you email your intent to attend at: office@leigh.kent.sch.uk or call us on 01732 832660. Our two Open Days are:

  • Wednesday 2nd October 9:30am
  • Thursday 7th November 1:30pm

If these days are not convenient then please do let us know and we will arrange a mutually convenient time. We welcome not only yourselves but also your child/ren on these open days so they can view their potential new school. During Open Days the headteachers will talk about the provision at Leigh Primary School; you will have the opportunity to talk to current parents of the school and governors as well as have a tour conducted by our Year 6 pupils. The Application Process for New Entrants is completed through the Local Authority and the process is described below.

 The Application Process

You can apply for up to 3 schools, putting them in order of preference. It's in your best interests to list 3 schools. Naming only one school does not guarantee your child a place at a particular school or give your child priority for a place over another child, neither does naming a school more than once. You can apply online or by post. The application process will open on the 3rd November 2023 and you will have until the 15th January 2024 to make your application.  


If you are unsuccessful in gaining a place for September 2025 then you are entitled to appeal. Appeals must be made using the Primary School Appeal Online Form.