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Leigh Primary School


Roles and Responsibilities

Chair: Charlotte Ward

Co-Chair: Natasha Govan

Treasurer: Amy Cartwright

Secretary: Leanne Perry

150 Club Coordinator: Vicky Hodges

Marketing: Sarah Bennett and Beau Young

Trustee and Risk Assessor: Nicky Rose



Class Reps

Panda class: Anel Andrews and Hanna Ward

Turtle class: Anna Robinson van Eijk and Sarah Dalton

Otter class:  Elisabeth Evans and Vicky Hodges

Dolphin class: Amy Holt and Sacha Baldock

Tiger Class: Helen Clements and Melanie Tay

Rhino Class: Amy Saunders and Nina Papworth


How we work

The role of the PTA is to raise money to support Leigh Primary School through holding events that the children enjoy as well as bring the school community together. Examples of events are: The Jubilee Fair, Superstars BBG, Winter Fair, Discos, Film Nights, Treasure Trails as well as Leigh fest! The PTA have purchased curriculum resources such as reference books matched to the schemes of work followed by the school, high quality literature, maths equipment, chromebooks, furniture for book corners and whole classroom refurbishments to ensure the learning environments remain at a high standard.


The PTA also oversees the Voluntary Fund which is supported by parents and friends of the school who would like to make regular financial contributions to support the school. 


Get involved

The PTA is open to all and we are always delighted to welcome new members.  You can get involved in a variety of ways - join a small team focused on a specific event, take ownership of a regular activity like school uniform sales or Fruity Friday, or volunteer at one of our events.  Our PTA is always focused on raising money for the school but also having fun and it's a great way to get to know people.  

You can get in touch via our Facebook page or by email: leighprimarypta@gmail.com

You can visit our events page to find out what coming up as well as our local giving page to see what projects you could donate to should you wish.

150 Club


The 150 club is a subscription whereby you pay monthly for the chance to win mystery prizes. It is a great way to treat yourself as well as support our school.